Herbal medicine is humankind’s oldest medicine and the subject of much current scientific interest.

Welcome to my blog.

Before Blessed by Nature

Before Blessed by Nature

I first knew I wanted to be a nurse or doctor when I was a little girl of about 7 or 8. In a family with 3 big brothers and a neighborhood full of boys, my role became “the nurse” in our outdoor games of cops and robbers and any game where someone got hurt. (Yep, it...

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What’s Up With Your Health?

What’s Up With Your Health?

Hi Folks, I was going to talk about seasonal things. I know that's on everybody's mind. You know – coughs, colds, flu, allergies, pneumonia, should you get the shots or not. However, I was thinking to myself that no matter what we are going through - if we are having...

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Cell Creation

Cell Creation

Folks often ask, if I'm eating 'healthy' and taking vitamins, why do I still get sick and have symptoms?  Why, indeed.  We were designed in the image of God and to have perfect health.  That was the idea, but we live in an imperfect world.  Most of us were fortunate...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are herbs? Herbs are wild vegetables that are special foods that we can turn to on a daily basis and in times of special need since most have medicinal properties. Herbs are often thought of as an extra serving of veggies. Is herbal medicine just another fad in...

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My Favorite Things

My Favorite Things

Christopher Duffley: Open the Eyes of My Heart https://youtu.be/IkgbDu9iDqo?si=0S5ZfNRsFkWwWzcjCarrie Grossman: I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You https://youtu.be/_TWmaGWY0Eg?si=7mgE4_pJ5prHdKhgLisa Harper: The Last Frog I Kissed...

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Cured or Healed?

Cured or Healed?

It’s good to distinguish, in all of this healing work, the difference between healing and a cure. A cure means the problem is gone. Healing means that some measure of wholeness has been restored.And, often, we don’t find a cure, but we do find healing. “A good half of...

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Healing Crisis

Healing Crisis

As we clear our bodies of wastes and toxins using the laws of nature, a miraculous thing can happen. If you can remember that the health of our body, mind, and soul comes from proper food, correct lifestyle, and our thoughts and emotions, a simple but often overlooked...

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Are we a good fit?

Please read this. We need to know we can work together.

I love to help…

  • independent, open-minded folks like you who seek a common sense approach so you can get well naturally and stay well
  • folks like you who want to find the root cause of why they feel so bad so they can heal - whether it's a nasty rash, their blood pressure is out of control, or maybe they're just plain exhausted and don't know why
  • those of you who want to make the holistic approach in understanding how our body, mind, and soul work together and go a little deeper to heal at a deep level
  • folks who don't want to get pushed around the medical system loaded up with drugs and still feel bad
  • people who've been told 'there's nothing more we can do to help you and offered no hope
  • you learn how to get in touch with and understand what your body tells you
  • folks who choose to 'invest' in themselves and see the value in creating health

It’s hard to help…

  • folks who have closed minds and believe….they are 'special' and can't take a more "natural approach" because it's too hard, too much work, not scientific enough, and costs too much
  • people who want to talk about their health problems and not do anything about it
  • folks who wish to take a band-aid approach and keep doing what they've always done

It's your health and your responsibility.  If you think it takes too much time, trouble & expense to preserve it---try disease!

Say hello.

Experience what it’s like to feel better, every day, without side effects.

14 + 14 =

Blessed by Nature

Cathy Atkinson, ND

36 Southview Drive, Arcade, NY 14009
(716) 498-6188

Business Hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10am-5pm EST

© 2023 Blessed By Nature. All rights reserved.


Information on this website has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. For information purposes only.