As we clear our bodies of wastes and toxins using the laws of nature, a miraculous thing can happen. If you can remember that the health of our body, mind, and soul comes from proper food, correct lifestyle, and our thoughts and emotions, a simple but often overlooked experience can happen. It’s called a Healing Crisis.

When we follow the laws of nature, eating good, clean food (no chemicals, preservatives, non-GMO or processed), our body can clear toxins and quite literally remove the things that made us sick in the first place. (See First Steps Forward below.)

It is a healing process called “Hering’s Law of Cures or the Healing Crisis.” It can also be referred to the herximer, aka herx, effect. What does that mean? It means that ‘healing occurs from the head down, from inside out, and in reverse order as the symptoms have first been acquired’. So when you do a bit of evaluation of your last illness or injury, you can almost expect to go through it again if you have not healed naturally and fully. It is fascinating when you witness or experience this. Not fun, but fascinating.

Your healing crisis usually comes on fast 1-3 days after starting a natural healing program and this crisis can go away just as quickly. Often, right before the healing crisis, you may say you feel terrific. Symptoms often mock the original issue and people think they’re getting sick or back to the original issue again. Understood properly, I explain it’s merely the body pushing out the original problem to be ‘done’ with it. Think of sinus issues, colds, chicken pox, broken bones… Think of it as a kickstart for healing deeply and throwing off the ick that may have been suppressed using modern medicine.

The ‘disease crisis’ is quite different and many people don’t understand the difference between that and a healing process. The disease crisis is also an eliminative process, but comes as a result of poor lifestyle choices and a lowered immune system. Do you see how our body is always responding to the conditions we impose on it?

First Steps Forward

Here are some ideas to help you incorporate any of these FIRST STEPS into your day. Just do some daily, check them off as you do them, and change them out – add more! Soon they will become part of your regular daily routines.


_____Snuggle with your pet
_____Listen to music
_____Sing (shower, car, wherever)
_____Laugh out loud
_____Breathe deeply
_____Cry (to release emotions)
_____Smile just because
_____Take a break when needed (nap)
_____Appreciate the beauty around you
_____Use affirmations (I’m getting stronger)
_____Watch uplifting videos (

Me Time

_____Spend time alone – pray, meditate
_____Read or Listen to audio books
_____Cook or bake (for fun)
_____Paint, color, draw
_____Practice gratitude (journal)

My Healthy Self

_____Set ‘healthy’ boundaries
_____Say ‘no’ to requests
_____Exercise regularly
_____Regularly get enough sleep
_____Take a nap
_____Take a ‘sun’ bath
_____Stay well hydrated
_____Eat nourishing ‘alive’ foods
_____Have fresh flowers at home/office
_____Get a manicure, pedicure, massage
_____Go to chiropractor
_____Use essential oils
_____Participate in bible study, book clubs
_____Take a class – expand your mind
_____Get out in nature
_____Be with positive, supportive people