Hi Folks,

I was going to talk about seasonal things. I know that’s on everybody’s mind. You know – coughs, colds, flu, allergies, pneumonia, should you get the shots or not.

However, I was thinking to myself that no matter what we are going through – if we are having an acute physical health challenge or we are feeling unwell, we usually only look to today and yesterday to try to find a reason as to why we feel bad. While that is worthwhile for acute issues, don’t just look at today and yesterday only.

Your condition may be due to something much more profound. That goes through my mind when a client comes in the door or calls me – what change happened in your life a week ago, a couple of weeks ago, or since symptoms first started? Was there a physical or emotional trauma?

It is valid for both acute and chronic issues. I call it “pulling the string” to look at things like a detective might do to solve a mystery. It’s part of a proper evaluation. I like to call it “connecting the dots” for you as a whole person. Many times, as we look even more profoundly, we can see something that may have happened when we were much younger. An old illness or trauma may show itself (physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually) in what you may think the strangest way.

After all, we were created in the image of God and everything is connected. Once you learn that, a whole new world opens up for you!

With my 90-day package, we often go much deeper in your healing journey. In college, I asked one of my professors if I needed to get my Ph.D. He answered my question with a question and said, “You mean knowledge that’s Piled Higher and Deeper?”. I always remembered that. Not to diminish folks having that extra education, but I have personally learned life can also give us our Ph.D. in so many ways.

I’ve discovered it’s not always easy to remember these things, but when we give ourselves permission to go deep and review our lives, we get clues and answers to why we are the way we are today. That can bring true healing if we look at our past (early childhood and beyond).

Here are some questions that will help you if you’re trying to figure something out for yourself or someone you know and love:

1. Are you eating something new?
2. Did you stop doing something?
3. Have you introduced a new supplement or routine in your life?
4. Are you mad at somebody?
5. Have you had some trauma or shock?
6. Are you worrying about something a lot?

You can have a go at these questions and see what comes to mind the next time you are feeling a little or a lot off and unwell. These are generally the same questions that go through my mind when working with you.

I’d love to work with you to help you and guide you to find true healing – physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.

Schedule a free consultation today.