Folks often ask, if I’m eating ‘healthy’ and taking vitamins, why do I still get sick and have symptoms?  Why, indeed.  We were designed in the image of God and to have perfect health.  That was the idea, but we live in an imperfect world.  Most of us were fortunate enough to have started life in a pretty pure way.  (Yes, there is more to it than that, but for the sake of this article, most of us came into the world and started life untainted.)  Then, we are immediately vaccinated and start getting food that has chemicals and preservatives and unknowns in it.  We breathe contaminated air and exhausts, drink water that has been treated, and more.  Our personalities develop and we are hurt emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Those are really deep topics, but I hope you get the idea of how we grow and how everything affects us.  

You can see just by the examples above how our perfect start in life is altered and how no two people can possibly be alike. Once you realize how all of that can affect us differently, you can start to connect-the-dots as you start to learn holistically how our body is all interconnected.  If one part of our body is ‘out-of-whack’ and ‘out of balance’, we get to retrace and do our A, B, C, and D’s (activate, balance, cleanse, and detoxify) to get back into balance.  (Check out my blog article Healing Crisis for more information.)

This is cool stuff and why I chose to give you the YouTube video below for the movie Multiplicity“.  It’s an oldie but a goodie.  I love this movie – it’s funny but makes a point.  The teaser is the analogy of how the main character Michael Keaton was so overwhelmed with life that he figured a way to clone himself several times so he could get more done.  With each replication of himself, his personality changed until he got to #4 or #5 (Stevie) who was rather ‘special and adorable’.  Without even watching the movie, just think about making a copy of a copy 4 or 5 times.  By the time you get that many copies of copies, things begin to look a little fuzzy and non-coherent.  That could be us – we get a little fuzzy, noncoherent, and blah as our cells keep reproducing without cleaning up our insides (body, mind, and soul).  We’re still special, but maybe not so adorable.

The most incredible gift we were given at birth is how our cells recreate and break down on a continual basis.  We are so wonderfully made.

For example, did you know that according to medical science, the human body completely renews itself every 7 years?  300M cells die and are recreated in the body every minute!  This is how the cornea replaces itself every 24 hours, the skin every 14 days, the blood cells every 90 days, the soft tissue every 6 months, and the dense tissue every 2-7 years.  If the entire body is continually creating new cells, why do we still get sick and have symptoms?  Why are we aging and why don’t we have more energy?  Why doesn’t the body just make new, healthy cells (instead of diseased ones) every time cells reproduce?

Well, remember about all those toxins I mentioned in the first paragraph?  If we don’t remove the various toxins and use the A, B, C, D’s I teach you about, we’ll just pile the ‘dirt’ on top of the cells that are already polluted.  Remember the analogy of making copies of copies?

Consider this, if you like your nice new car to stay shiny and beautiful, would you wax over the dirt and grime?  I doubt it.  That’s not very smart, especially with the investment you make.  So why wouldn’t treat our bodies with the same care as we would a car?  Our health is priceless, yet many folks spend more money and time on their cars and stuff than they do their health.  Ever hear the expression, folks lose their health to gain their wealth, then spend their wealth to gain their health?    If you think good health is too expensive, try dis-ease.

That’s food for thought.

We now have a method to Get and Stay Well by implementing the A’s (activate), B’s (building), C’s (cleansing), and D’s (detoxification).  It makes sense to me to clean up our acts by using the First Steps to Better Health and the A, B, C, Ds of using my Premium 90-Day Package.

Call me and we’ll see if this is the right fit for you.

